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Special Fields

These are fields that are readable by all delegated and admin APIs, but are not directly mutable by patch APIs. These instead require special set of APIs that have built-in rules.


See verifications API usage here. Verifications are exclusive to admin APIs.

  1. verified
  2. verifiedDate
  3. verifiedBy


See ban API usage here (Client API) and here (Admin API)

  1. isBanned
  2. bannedDate
  3. bannedBy

Restricted Accounts

By default, Liquid does not use isRestricted flag for anything at all. But this is a useful feature if you want to shadow ban a user. For instance, based on this flag, you could decide to restrict how often people see a user's post. See restrict API usage here (Client API) and here (Admin API)

  1. isRestricted
  2. restrictedDate
  3. restrictedBy

Credits / Virtual Money

Credits are usually similar to virtual money that you can use for controlling paid features. You can also use this as a reward points system. See usage here (Client API) and here (Admin API)

  1. credits