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Making Liquid Production Ready

Important backend configurations to update

To make Liquid production ready, there are a few recommended configurations to be done on the backend side:

  • Set cookie-session-secret to a secure random string. You can use this tool to generate one.
  • Set to true.

Core Environmental Configurations:

  • Set system.reverse-proxy-mode to true if you intend to use a reverse proxy like Nginx.
  • Set environment to production.

Account Creation and Email Adapter Configurations:

  • Set email.outbound-address to the email address that you intend to send emails to users from. It is important that this address matches the email address configured in your mail adapter.
  • Set user.account-creation.require-email-verification to true.
  • Set privilege.can-reset-password to true.

To send outbound emails from Liquid, say, for account verification and password reset, you can either use a Sendgrid account or your own SMTP server by configuring Nodemailer.

Using Sendgrid:

  • Set to sendgrid.
  • Set sendgrid.api-key to your SendGrid API key.

Using Nodemailer:

  • Set to nodemailer.
  • Set nodemailer.service-name to gmail or outlook if you use those services. Do not set if you are using a custom SMTP server.
  • Set to your SMTP server host.
  • Set nodemailer.port to your SMTP server port.
  • Set to true if your SMTP server uses a secure connection.
  • Set nodemailer.username to the username of your SMTP account.
  • Set nodemailer.password to the password of your SMTP account.


  • Set privilege.can-use-cache to true.
  • Set redis.port,, redis.username, redis.password, and redis.db.


  • Set mongo-db.connection-string to your MongoDB URL.

In a production setup, we recommend turning on transactions by setting the option mongo-db.use-transactions to true. This makes sure API calls with multiple write operations don't result in inconsistent database states if some of them fail and some of them succeed.

To reduce the amount of spam accounts, Liquid has an IP based user account creation throttling mechanism.

Use the following options to adjust this throttling:

  • Set user.account-creation.enable-ip-based-throttle to true.
  • The window size for the throttle can be controlled by setting the option user.account-creation.ip-based-throttle.window-size to the desired number of seconds. For example, if you set user.account-creation.ip-based-throttle.window-size to 3600, Liquid will allow only one account per hour to be created from the same IP.

Special Configurations for Nginx Reverse Proxy

It is important that you configure the headers X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-For as follows to ensure that the security features work properly:

location / {
# other reverse proxy configurations...
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;