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API-Documentation: OAuth 2.0


All standard OAuth APIs use sake_case for both request and response parameters to comply with the OAuth 2.0 specifications. The introspect API is specific to Liquid which alone uses camelCase.

Client Authentication

Access Token

Exchange your client ID and secret for an access token.

Before You Start

You can adjust the validity of the access token by changing the option oauth.access-token-lifetime to the intended number of seconds. By default, the validity is 1 hour.


POST /oauth/token

Request Body (Form Data)

ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired / Optional
grant_typestringSet to "client_credentials"Required
client_idstringYour client ID.Required
client_secretstringYour client secret.Required
scopestringComma separated list of scopes.Required

Request Sample (JSON)

"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": "application_client",
"client_secret": "super-secure-client-secret",
"scope": "client:profile:read"

Response Parameters

access_tokenstringThe access token.
token_typestringThe token type. Usually "Bearer".
expires_innumberToken expiry in seconds.

Response Sample

"access_token": "cfb1983f82d187ac26598dca27aa3078236e645ccb18d77bdcba100d62a99231",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600

Introspect [Non-Standard OAuth]

Verify delegated tokens.

Before You Start

Any other microservice in your application apart from Liquid that need to provide an authentication to the frontend will use this API. For instance, let's say a chat service in your system needs to verify the user is authenticated to access your application. You will call this API with the Liquid access token and it would return the user information after verifying the authenticity of the token. The API also returns the scopes allowed for the token. Using all this information, you can choose to allow or disallow access to your chat API.

For microservices running on node, use the Liquid Node Connector. This will already use introspect API under the hood and makes your integration much easier.

For more information, see Understanding Access Control and Integrating with Other Microservices


POST /oauth/token/introspect

Request Body (Form Data)

ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired / Optional
tokenstringToken of the user to be authenticated. (Acquired using authorization code grant)Required

Request Sample (JSON)

"token": "7eb2b49801f4ff3bbce93531dcf559c75504013cc0d7c2d03c49a529dedf4d72"

Response Data Parameters

tokenInfoobjectInformation about the token.

Response Sample

"ok": 1,
"data": {
"tokenInfo": {
"accessToken": "7eb2b49801f4ff3bbce93531dcf559c75504013cc0d7c2d03c49a529dedf4d72",
"accessTokenExpiresAt": "2023-09-26T18:54:14.821Z",
"scope": "delegated:all,admin:all",
"user": {
"_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
"username": "john_doe",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"preferredLanguage": "en",
"role": "user",
"verified": true,
"followingCount": 1,
"followerCount": 0,
"isPrivate": false,
"email": "",
"emailVerified": true,
"isSubscribed": false,
"credits": 0,
"isActive": true,
"isBanned": false,
"isRestricted": false,
"deleted": false,
"createdAt": "2023-06-21T13:20:00.112Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-09-04T14:52:15.442Z",
"customLink": "",
"profilePicturePath": null

Delegated Authentication

Get Authorization Code

Get an authorization code after login.

Before You Start

  • If you're using Liquid's built in login and signup UI, you will never need to access this API. Simply redirect to /login with the required params and you'll be redirected back to your application with the authorization code and state if everything goes well.
  • You can adjust the validity of the authorization code by changing the option oauth.authorization-code-lifetime to the intended number of seconds. By default, the validity is 5 minutes.


POST /oauth/token

Request Body (Form Data)

ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired / Optional
response_typestringSet to codeRequired
client_idstringYour client ID.Required
redirect_uristringAn authorized redirect URI.Required
statestringApplication state.Required
scopestringComma separated list of scopes.Required

Request Sample (JSON)

"response_type": "code",
"client_id": "application_client",
"code": "the_code",
"redirect_uri": "https://my-redirect.uri/path",
"state": "xxx-yyy-zzz"
"scope": "delegated:all"


A redirect to your callback URL with code and state as URL parameters.

Access Token (From Authorization Code)

Exchange authorization code for an access token.

Before You Start

  • You can adjust the validity of the access token by changing the option oauth.access-token-lifetime to the intended number of seconds. By default, the validity is 1 hour.
  • You can adjust the validity of the refresh token by changing the option oauth.refresh-token-lifetime to the intended number of seconds. By default, the validity is 15 days.


POST /oauth/token

Request Body (Form Data)

ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired / Optional
grant_typestringSet to authorization_codeRequired
codestringYour authorization codeRequired
client_idstringYour client ID.Required
redirect_uristringAn authorized redirect URI.Required
scopestringComma separated list of scopes.Required

Request Sample (JSON)

"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"client_id": "application_client",
"code": "the_code",
"redirect_uri": "https://my-redirect.uri/path",
"scope": "delegated:all"

Response Parameters

access_tokenstringThe access token.
token_typestringThe token type. Usually "Bearer".
expires_innumberToken expiry in seconds.
refresh_tokenstringThe refresh token.

Response Sample

"access_token": "7eb2b49801f4ff3bbce93531dcf559c75504013cc0d7c2d03c49a529dedf4d72",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"refresh_token": "95068fcd6ed814ebd14981903c280dce0ff86bc794c1121cc1b10be4fd588c7a"

Access Token (From Refresh Token)

Exchange a refresh token to get an access token.


POST /oauth/token

Request Body (Form Data)

ParameterTypeDescriptionRequired / Optional
grant_typestringSet to refresh_token.Required
refresh_tokenstringThe refresh token.Required
client_idstringYour client ID.Required

Request Sample (JSON)

"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"client_id": "application_client",
"refresh_token": "7eb2b49801f4ff3bbce93531dcf559c75504013cc0d7c2d03c49a529dedf4d72"

Response Parameters

access_tokenstringThe access token.
token_typestringThe token type. Usually "Bearer".
expires_innumberToken expiry in seconds.
refresh_tokenstringThe refresh token.

Response Sample

"access_token": "7eb2b49801f4ff3bbce93531dcf559c75504013cc0d7c2d03c49a529dedf4d72",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"refresh_token": "95068fcd6ed814ebd14981903c280dce0ff86bc794c1121cc1b10be4fd588c7a"